Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sunday morning and let me introduce...

the actual SUN......
Mr. Solar is pleased to meet you all again.......

ok so it has been dark and rainy......
that actually is wonderful cause I love it that way....
(maybe in my last life I either lived in england, or seatle?)

I have discovered much to my surprise.......... ( hey I discovered a few surprising things about me this week...... I will tellyou the other in a moment)
I really love rainy weather..... hot rain, cold rain...... misty overcast rain...
damn I love it all.

(oh the other, I thought I was a bleeding heart liberal........... but as I firmly believe in personal responsiblity.........I found out that I can't be that bleeding heart liberal thing........ SURPRIZED the crap outta me)

So anyway back to sunday morning..........

it is sunny!
to say I was surprised and a bit disappointed............ well.......
see also on rainy weekends we normally spend the afternoon behind the closed door..............
and I am not saying what all goes on there
but lets just say we do come out a couple hours later smiling................. not to mention a bit ah... tired.

Sunny days just don't allow you to sort of linger in a horizontal position....... so to speak
they want you to get up and have a picnic.... cut the grass............... weed the garden......... well you know...... them sort of summer time thingies.

RAINY days however tell you to go back to bed and pull the covers over both of your heads and have a nice visit.

After you are finally done visiting........ you can have breakfast, or brunch or supper....... depending on how long that visit ended up being.
You also just know that in a couple hours.......... you will go and visit again..
that makes for a very nice day.

(and if you haven't tried that with your partner.............. might I suggest it....... really it does tend to have wonderful effects on both of you....... but what do I know..i only been married to the one person for almost 30 years, and when I am not ready to kill him, I actually do adore him)

anyway, said husband is now thinking of making us some brunch..
he put the dishwasher on this morning before I came down, and is just waiting for it to finish to start cooking.........
he already brought me my coffee.......
sundays can go on forever I think..................


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