Friday, May 27, 2005

my 'ta ta's' are now 'ha ha's'

gee is it me?
am I crazy?
or are my boobs decending faster then a stone in water?
they have been footstools for a while now
but I have been kidding myself,
I hike them up and stuff them into a bra........
I hope for the best.
I can say......
the best is a LOT lower then it used to be.
the standards are slipping I imagine.

I got out of bed this morning..... walked down the stairs and heard a thump behind me
I thought it was the cats
it wasn't
it took that long for my dragging fat ass to follow

I tell you
is this FAIR?
MEN lose their asses as they age......
women grow additions to their asses.......and they slide DOWN to the floor

I would dearly like to speak to someone in customer service about this decending ass thing.......
I am so busy trying to gather up my assorted parts and stuff them into something that will hold them up and in......... however, that I would probably miss the customer service window hours.
I am thinking bra's now need to come in 'hoover dam' size for me
ditto on the underdrawers

now I am not complaining really

( ok so I am complaining, but DAMN that bra strap is hurting my shoulder.... mengele would be proud)

however I got to thinking a while ago while stuggling to stuff my fat ass into my studio pants.
( and thank goodness for stretch polyester for studio pants.......nothing gets through that shit..... nothing, not lye, not acid, not my chafing thighs......)

I am wondering again, why do we have to go through this ?

And were is Rubens when you need him.

I am thinking we need a massive outpouring of Ruben's fans......
just think......
no more skinny fashion models
they would be round and full figured.........
some would even.........
how about that?
I would be in style!
til next time

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