Thursday, May 19, 2005

apparently i have been 'tagged'

and someone who did that ( and SHALL remain nameless- I will deal with YOU later)
wants me to list my 10 favorite things.
it would be easier to list my 10 most unfavorite things


favorite things

ok I will give it a whirl......

  1. coffee, in the morning. I loves me some coffee, which right now isn't even MADE. so as I can't get the coffee out of my head right now, it is in the top spot...... this may change AFTER said coffee when I am thinking straight, and am awake..
  2. weekends with bernie... he makes me coffee and brings it to me, again with that coffee thing huh? But really I love bernie when I am not mad at him. Which with pms and menopuaseal symptoms is at midnight during a full blue moon, but I loves me some bernie. even though, due to hormone flucuations, I mostly have been wanting to rip his head off..... it isn't being bias, I pretty much want to rip anyone's head off who gets within 2' of me...
  3. my animals, enough said...........anyone who reads this tripe I write on any kind of regular basis knows that
  4. books/reading/knowledge/learning.......... yes it IS one thing, I have thousands of books.. and can only lament the ones I won't have time to read.
  5. making things with my hands, I design just about everything I make and I make a ton of stuff. From clothes to dolls to the sky is the limit.
  6. the eastern woodlands. they are magical.
  7. quantum physics...... where else does pure science tell you that there truly is magic in the world
  8. 200 year old stone houses........... i mean who wouldn't?
  9. security, I love knowing we have enough toilet paper or saving to get through any emergency
  10. being self sufficient. *** see 9

ok coffee is ready now to go and wake up

til next time


who is going to see mengele today..................

woe is me


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I haven't met Bernie, so I can't say anything there, but everything else is spot-on. One of the two things I liked about my farm was the stonework in the basement and the barn foundation and the smoke house. The other was the step between the kitchen and the living room. It was maple and old and worn. Everything else was crap. Oh, and the water was good.

  2. Anonymous11:30 PM

    you forgot to do the 5 things you'd like to try again, or would like to try that is new. yes, i know, you'll deal with me later. but didn't you have fun? and you almost got as mushy as me! are you getting soft in your old age, vi, or is mengele just pummeling you into mushiness?

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    and you forgot to tag anyone (can't get me :P)


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