Thursday, August 18, 2005

just flying around

I dreamt I was flying last night
I was flying around the bedroom
the bedroom had bright yellow walls
the bedroom really has eggnog colored walls
I had a blast flying around
I stuck my tongue out at thaddeaus, who was enviously watching me fly around the room
I am on the ceiling thaddeaus, and you are NOT.......
FLYING around........ not a care in the world
just flying from corner to corner in my room
ok tomorrow I am going to the FARM
I miss my goaties and sheepies
I am going to see my pony princess...
love me some goaties and sheepies and miss my pony.......
It is Carole's birthday, she is 48.................... she is much YOUNGER then me........
anyway, I can't wait to see her too.
I have decided on an A frame chicken tractor, and I am going to build it myself........ with a bit of help maybe from either bernie or kris.........
but maybe just by myself if I feel well enough.

DO NOT tell Mengele........
she will have a fit, as anything I do now SHE will have to undo when I finally get back to her.

ok the chicken house, I think that 2.5 feet wide by 8 feet long and 3.5 feet high to the peak is good........ with the actual coop above them as that would make them less visible to nosy moron's.
and would still fit through the basement door if I needed to keep them inside during really really bad weather.......... no?
I need some metal feed bins for their food.
I also am going to put WHEELS on the back at least, if not also on the front..........
I think I need some tent stakes too, for when it is out on the slope by my garden.
I may just pitch a smallish tent out there to shade my birds from hawks and the moron neighbors while they fertilize, weed, and turn my garden beds.
I really need a couple goats here right now to clear out the brush out back.
if moron does leave soon I will lease the goats and let them clear the back tract.............
I will see if I can get a temporary permit to have them clear the land.
ok I am not quite alive yet
but soon
probably after seeing my goaties and sheepies tomorrow
til next time

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