Wednesday, March 16, 2005


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the 'easter egg' socks almost done!
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my trekking XXL 805 socks
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ok this last one was the start of the design of my new needlecase

quick update, I removed the tag board as it was generating pop ups. Sorry guys.
Also I had a sort of blast from the Past.
I was surfing while I was dyink from my period........and came across the alumni board from my highschool!
I got really homesick.
( like you could NOT imagine)
all my old friends are either gone gone-dead........or I completely lost touch with them.
One person who was the parent of a friend of mine, that I adored and completely lost touch with, I found a refrence to!
on a WORLD TRIP website!
I emailed the traveler to ask about her.
( she was a sort of 'mom' to me for a while)
we'll see what happens

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    minnie: and this thing won't let me say h e double hockeysticks! growl
    minnie: i understand, poor vi. i have 3 days of grumpy 1*beep*2 and pain and suffering, and asking why can't they just take this thing OUT! I'M NOT HAVING ANY MORE BABIES! hope that helps, lol


thank you for your comment- it will take a while to appear on the site, as it does get moderated (to cut down on spammers- i also don't allow backlinks)
i do so appreciate your taking time to write to me