Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday Monday, wasn't all I thought it would be

Today I was in limbo.
after this weekend, and the twit who needs to be bitch slapped.....
I was in no mood.
I could NOT wake up today...... that is indeed aggravating, which naturally made me even more annoyed.
I swear there was more fog in my head then out back in the woods.
I finally started feeling more myself this afternoon.
I can tell you that a fogged up person can indeed download and install an updated anti-virus on the computer without too many errors, even when that installation involves removing the OLD anti-virus and then doing the live update on the new one.
I think it works now....
It seems to but I can't make the emergency rescue disks for some really odd reason.

I made a roast chicken and stuffing for dinner tonight. I felt bad that Bernie cooked us hamburger bagels last night, even though they were really really good. I was shocked!
So tonight, roast chicken, stuffing, gravy, baked potatoes and fresh steamed carrots.
Sounds pretty good huh!
Smells pretty good to, let me tell you.

I have to get new pictures of the cats I guess showing off their curlies.

That last was a random stream of conciousness statement.
ok I ripped back my magenta socks finally and will reknit them. I put the waste yarn in 1/2 inch too soon. I can't wait to wear them. Meanwhile I washed all my handknit wool socks today.
(HEY what else can you do if your brain is a fog???)
And I have started 'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell'
My Birthday is next week....... I am registered at Amazon**....hahaha KNITTING BOOKS are always in good taste you know.
** the joke is that while I AM registered....there isn't an ADDRESS to send them to.... hahahahaha
If Bethie happens to come by maybe she will enlighten you all as to WHY that is very funny.

I need opinions again if you all don't mind.
I am at a loss right now as to what to knit next?
  1. A Sweater for me? colorwork or modular?
  2. mittens in colorwork
  3. gloves in fair isle
  4. more socks
  5. more socks
  6. another hat

please let me know your opinons?

I am really at a loss this time, nothing is grabbing me. I do have to knit and felt two new soles for my magenta clogs, but I can do that anytime.


til next time


1 comment:

  1. um, more socks? i know, you can knit the random theory of chaos! (i have the pattern, i live it!) i know, smart ass strikes again!


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