Thursday, March 10, 2005

My mission for today

is, baby goaties.
I am going out to the goat farm.
Now Kris called yesterday BEFORE my journey to hell and back, to inform me that Summer who is her 7/8 BFL ewe is beginning to pink up and apparently fixing to lamb.
(Carole shaved the texel ewes yesterday morning soooooooooooo we are not far from lambsie
Now at the time I was speaking to Kris, she also informed me that the line Summer came from is known for triplets.
Kris being a totally novice shepherd is freaking out.
I told her not to worry, to send the third lambsie here with the bottle and some pampers and we will raise that little dickens up right.
( what lambsies DON"T wear pampers?- you mean I have to follow them around the kitchen with a pooper scooper?--------- hmmmmm....... I think they will wear pampers here)

Now yesterday in the possessed truck from hell, which is only barely big enough for me and Bernie and there is NO room for my purple goosedown coat let alone a lambsie, I realized I need my beloved van back. I don't want to hear excuses....... GIVE UP THAT KIDNEY if you have to....
just GET me my damn van back.
I was not meant to travel without the reassuring length and breath of that van.
I love my van, I always wanted a van......( and not for the reasons you all would think as this one is all glass, so no it is not a rolling bedroom, although the rear seat does fold into a full size bed)
I can no more stick a diapered bottle fed lamb in the front seat of the little truck then I could stand on my head.
and I think I really would have a better chance standing on my head at this point in time.

(in the BED OF THE PICKUP you say?........................ BEGONE FOUL FIEND for even thinking let alone suggesting such a thing........ lambsies on bottles ride with ME, where I can pet their little curly heads and kiss their little noses)

ok where the hell was I?
oh yeah right, spin group, goaties and lambsies
well I am going to be out at the farm, basking in the smell of manure, sighing into the freshly born baby kids, happily running amuck in real muck.
it doesn't get any better then that you know..........
(ok well if the goaties and sheepies lived here it would be really really really GREAT too- especially if you threw in some chickens & princess the horse huh?- having Carole and all them up this way would be even better huh?)
Bernie REALLY does like this job down in Jersey however.......
well off to goatie heaven for me
don't wait up
til next time

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