Saturday, March 12, 2005

Lady in Waiting

for goaties.......AGAIN.
Don't these does KNOW I got stuff to do!
Orders to fill, lessons to plan,
tutorials to shoot????
what are the does all doing???????????????
deliver them babies already will you guys?
VI is having one of THOSE days.
oh and Pendot is insane, they won't let me put my po box for an address on my license.....( at least not online)
so DAVE the mail person from HADES.....will of course return my drivers license to Harrisburg......
talk about someone going is going to be me.

little blue eyed calpurrnia, she who can do no in BIG trouble too
Thaddeaus is taking a break from his non stop meowsabub routine.....
however little calpurrnia is filling his ample shoes very well.
I should have KNOW this morning when her little laperm angel wings actually looked like HORNS
oh my............
on a brighter note
Bernie is making chicken Parmesan
so I am knitting
and I am now going to go and squirt that kitten with the water gun
til next time
if I am still sane

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