Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Decreases my posterior*** ( word changed to protect the offendable)

Ok first off.......... I am thinking I am decrease challenged...... ( ok well OBVIOUSLY I am decrease challenged if anyone looked at the size of my ass lately-talk about Rhode Island)
however in this case I am talking about my knitting decreases on the top of my very second color knitted hat......

( please ignore anything that looks like tension issues, if I do have them, I will of course let everyone know after I finish and block this)
ok what was I telling you all about? ah.......... decreasing.............
ok well I was knitting the crown part of the hat, being oh so careful.
you see those little chart things have a nasty habit of jumping around, or maybe I need bifocals? and the stitches multiply on the needles when I am not looking...... I can just imagine them getting all romantic and such....... boom we have a LITTER......... WELL hello, I DID not absentmindedly knit 16 more stitches on there did I? not MOI,..........
I don't have enough of a mind to BE absent........
ok well I ripped it back stitch by stitch by stitch............... and found out I had accidently caught one of the back strands as a stitch........ that will teach me to knit at 5 am without at least three maybe four gallons of coffee and eyelid surgery to keep my eyes open huh?
teach me good

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    What fun colors! Enough to get me back to my various stranded UFOS...

    Roberta http://roberta.typepad.com/robknits


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