Tuesday, August 11, 2009

and now ........ the baking

mother nature is got pms and hot flashes
i can sympathize
now she is dumping hot flashes all over us
in addition to texas and africa
only ours come with humidity


i am going to attempt to do the last part of the laundry
i did colored over the weekend and got the last of it dry more or less yesterday
now it's whites
although i still got some laundry drying on the inside line

as to studio progress
just some sorting yesterday

i made sauce for supper with sausage and meat then raviolis
yes in all that heat
bernie wanted that for supper
it was over 90 down where he works in jersey yesterday
he forgot his gatoraide
he works not only outside IN THE SUN
over HOT diesel ambulance engines
that are like 500 degrees under the hood
but his fleet has to roll
so that when someone needs an ambulance...... there is one for them

he loves his job, he loves his company, and he loves the management there
i worry about the heat and the cold and the weather and the danger
but he loves what he does

today he has his gatoraide
i made sure

now as far as on the board
right now is nothing
i finished the doggie treat cups ( need to do the doggie house treat cups yet)

i also need to do a few color illustrations of the duckies
but am having a bit of a problem with that end of the studio

i need a place to move all that part out to so i can get it straightened out
and the drafting table set up there

i was sorta doing some research, and i told bernie, 'all we need to do really, in the kitchen is to get the corner base cabinet custom made'
it will actually SAVE money in the long run
even if it costs us about 1000, it will in the end save money and space

what we have now is a corner base with a lazy susan
it wastes space and it is inefficent
we store pots and pans cause it's next to the stove
(point of first use no?)
if we get something with a sturdier design we won't have the issues we have now with the whole 'pots falling behind the lazy susan' thing we got now

and i want new pots
no more non stick ......i hate that stuff

i also been thinking..............
in the one corner where there is a copper pipe for the upstairs shower/tub.......
we can box that in with a moveable little cabinet
that would make a huge amount of space that we didn't think we had
it would do for some storage of stuff such as plastic refridge containers
(although i want to go to all glass with that as well)

in fiber news here, i am working on my socks, but i realized i need to do a shawl for my favorite and beloved sister in law
who lives in texas
( and STILL doesn't have the house raised on pilings..... due to a STUPID morgage company that won't release the insurance money to allow them to RAISE THE HOUSE)
she is a true girly girl
and i am thinking kidsilk haze..........she loves pink and blue
but i am leaning to something maybe cream so she can wear it all the time
she needs it for at work
the AC is seriously cold there due to them trying to stop the mold problem

maybe a few sparkles of beads here and there

whatcha think?

ok i know i am a bit behind on picture posting

i will get around to it

til next time


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I hope you finally got all of your laundry done, and dry too. Tomorrow is supposed to be another dry day, so if you have more laundry to do, that should be a day for it. It dries fast in this heat, yes?

    I hope you will be posting pixs of the socks and whatever else you make. I like seeing things......LOL :)


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