Friday, September 02, 2005

who needs CATS?

I have been talking to the chicken people.

no they aren't some weird alien race of folks with beaks and pinfeathers,
they are folks that raise chickens.

( actually I been talking to the folks on the 'housechickens' list......they raise chickens in their homes, with now know where this is going right?)

they tell me that the buff orpingtons LOVE mice........

not in a ohhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh mickey mouse aren't you cute sort of way, they love mice as a SNACK.
I am going to love these chickens!
as some of you may know, we live in an old stone house in the woods........
well old stone houses in the woods attract MICE
lots of mice.
so much mice that even 4 cats can't keep up with them.
hearing that these chicken will gleefully eat mice, indeed will HUNT THEM DOWN and eat them.....
well I am thinking that the chickens really DO need diapers and need to never leave the inside of the house......
they can wander the entire length, and breath...........
and clean up all the mice.
we won't need the nice man in the white suit with the bucket of last mice meals anymore............
who is dreaming of mice eating chickens.......


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    OK - Now you're scaring me - I love chickens too but chickens in the house? in daipers? Train those cats to do their jobs! - Crey

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I'm wondering - what will the cats do with chickens in the house? They used to scare my cat - this might be a bit much for them.

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Okay, that was me. for some reason I think everybody will know who I am without telling them who I am.

  4. i think chicken pot pie is in order

  5. NOOoooooooooo
    no chicken pot pie
    they will be beloved mouse eating PETS.....
    think of them like cats with feathers


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