Friday, February 22, 2008

bumbles don't always bounce

i had a huge scare early early this morning.

i went out to water the ducks and under the snow was the ice
i didn't see it
and i went down like a ton of bricks
i couldn't get up
i was on my stomach and could NOT get up
i yelled but there was no one to hear me
bernie has to stay over down with his fleet so his 911 units get out to save lives

if i didn't figure a way to get up
i would be out there until he came home sometime tomorrow
i crawled over to the garden fence and dragged myslf up it

it will never be the same again
we are going to have to repair it before we plant the garden

i been trying all day to keep moving so i don't get stiff

but damn, i am really banged up
nothing broken thank goodness

but everything hurts
even my feet and fingers

i am going to have to figure a better way to get out to the ducks....even if it's a bit longer

and i think we are going to get a farm collie.....
my dog kiss would stand for me if i fell......... i would get up by leaning on her shoulder
i figure even if a dog now couldn't do that for me
i could send her up the hill to georgie or someone to get help
and she could help me keep the feral jackass animals off the property
and maybe even keep those ducks and chickens in line

i spoke to bernie......we will of course speak a lot more about this
adding a dog is NOT a spontanious decision.

there is a lot to consider
we have to find a good dog school to go to for socialization and basic training with doggie distractions
do a lot of research
and also if possible i would like to find a trainer that has at least some idea of what a thinking dog is like

my kiss thought things out.....
i understand the farm collies do the same

while i was always pack leader..... it was so helpful to have a dog around that could figure stuff out for herself

til next time

who baked bread to appease her sore mucsles


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Ouchhhh !!!! I bet you have a bruise or 2. Glad nothing was broken. Found your blog by chance via another blog.

  2. Ouch - hope you are feeling a bit better -


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