Monday, April 12, 2010

tricks & musings on art, knitting etc....

 on the right is the drawing as you would see it if you were in my studio, on the left is me flipping it so i can see how it's flowing.
my verdict? ...... i like the way it's moving along. i think at this point it isn't as powerfully quiet as the last big black and white, but i think when it is done it will be just as interesting.  in fact i actually like the flipped version, and if i hadn't been so far into it now i most probably would flip the composition of that drawing. i still have a lot of work to do on the ducks and the top and sides.
and i am still not sure if i am going to work this same idea in color yet, we'll see.  as to some color work, i intend on doing some still life over the summer, IN COLOR, just because i want to remember how to render glass and water, i used to know, and i want to see if i can still do it.... i imagine i could in oils, but it's been a real long time for a watercolor so naturally i have to try it. oh and next big art supply sale is going to be for gouache, paper and brushes..... oye, and most likely technical pen ink. everyone is having huge sales right now (tax return season so they want a peice of yours) i did end up having to put in a small order, as i am about to run out of bristol that i draw on so since i think i should continue to draw, i had to get more, i got two pads of it--- a plate and a vellum.

plate is extremely smooth, vellum has a slight roughness called tooth to the surface. i got the 100% cotton rag archival bristol. i don't think there is a better longer lasting bristol available, if there is i don't know about it.
i haven't drawn on plate in a LONG time, the surface of the last two black and whites is vellum, which has a slight tooth to it. i may not like plate for this stuff, i used to like plate for a lot of line work ........

now the knitting part, i am knitting another gaenor, which is because i am lazy, and i wanted to just KNIT and not think or design or anything, but i am planning on finishing this, and the emily dickinson, then doing a couple of easy lace things (small shawls or really large scarves) with just lace stitches out of the books i have almost all of the spirit trail yarn club yarn is going to be made up that way

in household stuff, i need to wash the winter stuff and put that all away, freeze the woolens for two days prior to putting them up
pull out and freshen up the summer stuff. i wish i had one of those small hand cranked non electric washers but i am sure that they will kill my shoulders.

so my new chore list is as follows
  • clean the second chicken pen
  • wash all the winter clothes and store
  • freeze the woolens
  • inventory the canning shelves
  • clean the dehydrator
  • work on the garden beds
  • plant the garden
  • studio reorganization continues
  • decide on the color palette for the qouache
  • decide on the size brushes and where i'm getting them (there are a lot of options)
  • construct a cold frame
  • make a temporary duck pen on the lawn
  • order ducklings
  • empty and refill the deck planters with fresh soil
  • plant the blueberries
gees, no wonder i'm tired, i really need to get my assets in gear here...... and today i have to roast them pullets and then make soup out of them! that also needs to be canned as i don't have room in the freezer.
hey what am i doing sitting here sipping coffee? i got too much to do!!!!!!!!!!!!

talk to you all later


  1. Hi Vi, Sounds like you will be going all day. It's starting to get that way for me too. Love the new duckie drawing. Going to maybe plant some stuff today. Good luck with all your chores. Catherine

  2. Yeah, I need new dirt for the Earth Box since it's been used two years now. And fertilizer for it. And flower plants. In the first week or two of May. My sister is so good at that and I'm not but let's see if I can make things grow half as well as she did last year.

    And knitting to do. And clearing up at least a little bit to do. In between as many hours of work as I can manage (7 today) and starting PT on Wednesday.... etc.


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