Friday, April 16, 2010

progress but i have to wait to work on it until my hand is better

ok here are the two 'big black & whites' how do you all think they compare?


  1. Vi, I love the drawings. You are very talented. You also have a good eye. The new one looks great and I like the the blank space on it.

  2. Hi Vi, They are both really good. I think I like the one on the left the best but only cause I can see it better. Do you have any early veggies?

  3. ty bonnie, i do appreciate your comments. i think my eye is good now, at times when i was young it wasn't always reliable

    cathernie we have lettuce, chard, spinach and pakchoi up but not really harvestable. the mint is up
    i didn't get the snow peas in, so it may be a bust for this year..... i am looking to plant my favorite beans soon though

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I think they are both equally lovely. I can't pick and choose, I'll leave that for you to do. I like them both. Very nice Vi.


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