Friday, April 23, 2010

6 plus hours

at the hospital is not how i planned to spend yesterday.
the emergency ward said that the 'xrays show no rotator cuff damage'
xrays will only show a total seperation tear of the rotator it is soft tissue and we all know.....xraysseparation are for broken bones
(cleaned off drafting table)
so i am going to rest it and then go to the orthopedic
(ants eating 'terro' ant bait on the craft table in the studio-they're all gone now)(lettuce seedlings out on the deck)
now i got a pile of dishes
cause i didn't do them the day i fell nor yesterday

I got my art supplies- i still need to get some .......... after that it's just gouache and brushes, then i think i am done again until i need more paper. i can't wait to get the gouache.......... after that it's just odds and ends, color replacements, occasional color additions, paper and bristol replacements.. etc.
i got a few empty half and full water color pans coming, with some palettes. i am still going to get more of the porcelain palettes but i picked up some cheapo plastic mixing palettes to hold me over

due to my injury from that nasty fall on wen, i think bernie is going to have to do the mucking of the pens for me. we got one bed finished in the garden but not moved into place yet..... we'll also do that and most likely the second bed as well tomorrow
i hope so

so right now not much of anything going on
everyone at the hospital said 'you have DUCKS?' when i told them how i fell
doesn't anyone have chickens or ducks anymore? or is it just my friends?

they all also had to see what i was reading (cokie roberts 'ladies of liberty')
yeah, seriously every single person that talked to me!
it was the most surreal experience
anyway, yes i am hurting bruises are coming out
new strains and pains etc, and i am relatively sure i am going to live
now let's have another cup of coffee, and some cheesecake
(which i don't have in the house, sniff)

and we'll get on with our day no?


  1. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Gosh, I must have missed a post or so. I didn't know you had fallen! I remember you were suffering some pain but I thought it was something to do with repetitive stress.

    Feel better! There is an interesting post in KR about pain and knitting, and one of the gals wrote about a Kentucky folk remedy. It involves brown paper and cider vinegar. Sounds intriguing.

    It is nice that people talked to you in the hospital. It can be alienating to be in such a strange environment.


  2. Vi, I am so sorry you fell and got hurt. I would drop by to do your dishes if I could. Hope the situation gets better soon. Sincerely, Catherine

  3. Sorry you hurt yourself. Feel better soon.

  4. I would be so happy to bring the coffee and cheesecake. We roast our own beans and I make cheesecake from scratch. I am so sorry about the injury! One of my assorted injuries was torn cartilage and bone spurs in the right shoulder. The surgeon did not repair the cartilage, saying it would heal itself. HA! 2 years later and will now have to do another surgery to repair it. Be good to yourself and take care.


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