Monday, January 18, 2010

i don't remember a lot of stuff sometimes

like today is MLK day, (i wouldn't know unless someone said but i read it on google this morning)
i don't remember a lot of birthdays
i do get close to important dates for people i care about, but i am normally off a few days

someone once told me that it is because i don't pay attention... i don't think so, because i forget even if i do pay attention
somehow things like that just float away from me

so anyone's birthday or special days i have forgotten, i am sorry
i will most likely forget again

now on to leeks
i want to grow leeks again this year, as the last time (2 years ago) i didn't trench them in to blanch the stalks so this year.....leeks in trenches
bernie and i also priced some wood for the raised beds, for 2x12x12 untreated it was 13.00 a board
that would be about 50.00 for a bed..... for that price i think we need to go with the recycled engineered wood and do 4X8 foot beds...i would like them about 18 inches deep if i can get it
and we will do the lasagna gardening
now if i could get some 'hot' manure...... really good horse or cow
i could also do some hot beds like i've done with tomatoes in the past

i want to hoop some of the beds as well
and put in some by the duck/chicken pens since i got that nifty new fence and all it will be great to grow beans and cuc's on they love growing up in front of a south facing wall or tarped fence i think i'll put some cold frames there for the winter too

my head right now is full of garden plans
the mid winter warm up isn't helping much
it's SO warm out i just want to get out there in the dirt
i have a lot to do in the garden some i can just do myself
some i need help with
but i want to get a good start on it
i do know that if history repeats, in about a week we will be frozen again

so this week i will plant the leek seeds in the house and a few pots of swiss chard
and the impatients and some pepper seeds
all those take forever to come up
(ok not the chard but it will be happy in the cold)

i would really really love a greenhouse

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