Saturday, December 05, 2009

what do you like about your life?

i got to thinking after talking to one of my cousins, what do you like about your life?
what is good
how comfortable are you in your life ( this one takes some thought)
what is bad
what is a pain but even given that you wouldn't change?
what goals have you met?
how do you feel TODAY about some of those goals, would you chose to do them over?
would you chose different goals today with what you know now?
are you a person who counts mistakes as good things or bad things (ie: they teach you something, vs they mess you up big time)

are you where you wanted to be at this time in your life?
what are your future plans?
how satisfied are you with most areas of your life?
what are you doing now both personally and professionally that you like, that you love, that you hate, that you tolerate?

what do you LOVE, ?
not who ( everyone loves thier family and friends for the most part) but what do you LOVE? what things, experiences, colors, sounds, feelings, stories, sights, scents, tastes, seasons? what makes your heart beat faster?
what hobby or interest do you think would be interesting to persue that you aren't now?
what have you loved in the past?
has it changed, deepened? how much has this enriched your life?

what does your 'ideal' life LOOK Like?
if you look out the window of your ideal life...what do you see?
what does your living space look like, your mode of transportation?
do you live in an urban area or a rural or cold climate?
how hands on are you in your ideal life? or do you have servants?

then i got to thinking about finances, and what we feel is 'doing well'
is 'doing well' for you, paying your bills and putting a bit aside for a rainy day or retirement or the kids college?

or is 'doing well' for you a yacht, with long Caribbean vacations?
or is it somewhere in between?

can you or even should you put a dollar amount on it?

i was thinking as well, i wonder what an economy would look like if it wasn't based on accumulated cash/assets for wealth, but maybe on accomplishments such as art, music, dance, beauty
or alternately, what would life be like if we were able to follow the quantum physics model that says (simplistically and basically) that we do create our reality?

now do some accomplishment hold the same weight if we don't make money with them, as opposed to if we do?
is it even fair to measure things that way?

i tell you it's dangerous being me and left to muddle through mucky duck pens

1 comment:

  1. Very thought-provoking post today, Vi!I have been asking myself the same questions for the past week or so. I don't have all the answers yet.

    As for yourself, just remember that ducks love muck! :)


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