Friday, April 24, 2009

TURKEY!!!!!! doing the wild thing in the morning...

i heard what i thought was a dog yapping

but it didn't quite sound like a dog.........
in fact the closer it got
the more it didn't sound like a dog
there is only one other sound it could be

'is that a TURKEY?'

no shit
it was a wild turkey tom followed by a couple of hens
he was displaying right in front of our driveway
i went downstairs to grab the camera thinking

ohohoho no one is going to BELIEVE THIS

and he was gone

now years ago BJC *before jackass came*
we had flocks that moved through here twice a day
BIG ones
28 birds i counted once

and while i am glad to see these birds back
i also know it is because of the building and their habitate shrinking

but it was a nice way to get out of bed this morning
adding to what i am expecting to be a fabulously wonderful day
SANDIE is coming to see us!
we are going to spin and laugh and talk and play with the animals

i have duck eggs for her
fresh from my girls

who btw
need to be going out in a few minutes

and i need my coffee which in my excitement i didn't make yet

ok all ttyl

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