Saturday, March 21, 2009

little odds and ends

bernie put the ducks out this morning
i was watching from the window
they ran under one of the old apple trees
and he had to sort of herd them down

cleo ( why doesn't that surprise me?)
and phoebe......
lillianna was already down in the day pen

i had a moment to smile at them as he got behind them and told them to go to the day pen
they did
they are good little ducks most of the time (although cleo did eat all the snowdrop flowers on the way down to the day pen)

i am very tired lately
i think it was partly worry over bernie's eyes as well as my sheep and goat,
i have them situated now i believe

they will be moving next weekend it looks like

i have to start the tomatoes, every year i start them later and later with the hopes that i get them in the ground without having to bury 18" of plant under the dirt
i am only going to do a few plants of them, a slicer for bernie, black plum for salsa
and a couple of paste tomatos.....just in case
i need to move the vegtable garden or move the trees
since i won't move mature trees and HEAVEN help anyone that looks at them with a chainsaw

it's the garden
i am going to see if we can put it on the south side of the house
and if we can put stairs off the deck there with privacy fencing on the front line between us and the street

the garden out back with the day pen.......i am going to leave that to perrenial veggies
multiplier onions, rhubarb, horseradish etc........

it looks like now we are to stay here for the remaineder of the depression

so lets make it a bit easier on me no?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    To tell you honestly, your tomato plants do better, are stronger and better supported with an 18" stem to be buried underground. That tomato plant will form a much stronger root base along that entire 18", and that makes for a sturdier, healthier plant receiving more nutrients because of the extra root base. The trick is to plant then on the slant to take full advantage of stem.

    I'm glad that ewe and goat will be better situated soon. I hope that will ease your mind some. :)


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