Sunday, January 27, 2008

vote for MY babies.....PLEASE

no i am not bias...
yeah right....NOT MUCH

anyway the la perm cat club in Britain is having a La Perm cat of the year contest

i entered ( i was asked) my three

so i ask you all
go see the la permies

vote for mine ( as they are the bestestest...... but i am not bias)

there is the url again

And the matter of my archives......

if anyone can figure it out

i would be really grateful


ok i got some knitting to do now
and bernie has a very bad toothache and abscess tooth
which he is stubbornly refusing to go to the dentist for
now....where is that frying know the cast iron 12 inch one........

OH BERNIE....................

1 comment:

  1. I voted Vi! For Fawn but it was so hard to decide. I guess I'm just drawn to her because I remember you receiving her from her previous life.

    Thanks for the plant advice. I just have to find which windows each plant likes (I have so many windows in my house...)


thank you for your comment- it will take a while to appear on the site, as it does get moderated (to cut down on spammers- i also don't allow backlinks)
i do so appreciate your taking time to write to me