Saturday, January 26, 2008

HTML and my archives

i am having a problem with my archives
they get progressively smaller to the point of being unreadable

( that is just picked at random.....scroll down)

if anyone can help me figure WHERE i accidently put that progressively 'smaller' peice of code
i would be grateful

as i am trying to figure it out and so far haven't been able to

thanks to you all


1 comment:

  1. have read most of january. you are seriously warped. i like that in a person.

    get an rss feed so i can subscribe. otherwise i forget to check...

    love the manopause post LOL


thank you for your comment- it will take a while to appear on the site, as it does get moderated (to cut down on spammers- i also don't allow backlinks)
i do so appreciate your taking time to write to me