Friday, November 19, 2010

why is it?

there are tons of things in life i don't quite get.
i don't quite get politics
i don't quite get lying
i don't quite get hurting other people just because

today i don't quite get all of the above and the need for calpurrnia to wake me at 5am
but then i digress

right now i am being over ridden by a fear of this tooth stuff i got happening on the 29th
i live with a lot of fears actually
some i can sort of keep in check and some skyrocket out of control at 3am
i worry a lot too
i worry about bernie
the global economy
maintaining our health and freedom both as an individual and as a country/world
i worry about the cats and birds in my care
i worry about this little house too

now i don't know why i worry as much as i do
i figure part is the disease(s) i have (one causes the other and the other like a chain of dominoes going down)
and part is from observation of things around me

now i'm pretty sure i'm not alone, so how do you all deal with worry?

i was reading about misconceptions that are generally believed by americans
i was appalled at the lack of critical thinking that leads to folks swallowing that without any objection
actual downright stupidity!
i remember being told by someone older then me in ALL seriousness
that Obama had gone to hawaii to seal his birth records
there are a few things wrong with that statement
  1. hawaii is a STATE, so if the man was born there, ahem, he is a citizen of our country
  2. birth records are always sealed period, you need to prove you are either that person or somehow connected to that person to receive them
now those two things alone should have clued folks into the fact that the 'obama sealed birth records' thing was not quite the truth.

i shudder to think that there are people in this country that will lie ......OUTRIGHT lies publicly in the limelight without being called on it

ok now on to this week cause i can't deal with the fears anymore
i need to get to the post office
i have mail going out
i need to pick up mail coming in

and somehow through it all i need to find some ambition to get some stuff done around here

anyone have any ideas on that?


  1. Hi Vi, I am also a worrier. Pretty much about the same things you do. I actually take medication for the anxiety that comes from worry. The old CHinese curse: May you live in interesting times certainly applies to our lives today. THe world is a mess. I actually even worry about the people who don't worry. As for Obama: I would wave my birth certicate high and proud. I am an American. Wonder what he is? Have a good afternoon. Catherine

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I am thinking of you, Vi. Sometimes I stop worrying out of sheer exhaustion! I am an optimist at heart and I suspect you are, too. Hope that hopeful part of your nature conquers your fears, and that you can have some peace.


  3. Don't worry so much. We cannot control everything. :(
    I miss you!


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