Thursday, August 19, 2010

bernie isn't getting any better

i told him he has to call the dentist, i can't do it for him as they need to talk to him.
meanwhile i am starting to suspect that possibly this back thing of mine, isn't
i am thinking, it may be something else entirely?

is nausea normal when your back hurts?
i had a terrible night, ending up down here for an hour with my friend tylanol
then went back up and slept until 8 am.
i still haven't gotten dressed or put the ducks out yet

the pain is bareable at the moment and i am afraid to trifle with that
but i have to get them out soon

meanwhile i am to go to jen's while she's on vacation to pick roma tomatoes
i don't know if i can drive!
i am currently on the heating pad and ice

thank you for the well wishes everyone
i still can't understand how i end up so sick all the time
(bernie i understand, he doesn't listen or take care of himself- me i try to take care of myself)

after i get the ducks out i am probably going to go to bed again
i feel useless and unproductive when i do that though


  1. Vi,

    Kidney infections, UTI, and kidney stones can all cause back pain. Nasty back pain. Sounds like you need to rule those out.

  2. Sounds like time for you and Bernie both to get professional opinions. Get well soon.


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