Monday, March 15, 2010

i remember the meds today

jen called and reminded me, but really she didn't have to.
once i was back in my routine i am ok
so i came down, made the coffee and took my meds
i can't get the woodstove going however
i've tried numerous times, i have no kindling so that doesn't help
and it's pretty warm out for a woodstove in the 40's
so it's cranky
it's about 60 in here which is a bit cold for me

i have to plant more seeds today, something that i was to have done yesterday but due to the road call......well you know
i also twisted my ankle again in the mud yesterday going down back to replay the straw bedding in the a frame

so today i have dishes, seeds, drawing, and ducks
i am making corned beef which we were to have had yesterday.
we had this other thingie 'kasha'  buckwheat was that great!
bernie of course hated it
i loved it and i want to have it replace rice here as i can eat it!
it's really good for pcos patients
today also if i can i would like to make the parakeet mash
it's beans and veggies coarsely chopped (in parakeet sizes) with some whole grains and seeds
i am going to take them off seed except for a teaspoon at night
i am going to try to keep them as healthy as i can and increase their lifespan if i can
in the wild they would eat all sorts of stuff
i got them used to and craving chopped veggies with next is the mixed veg with beans
so i am going to soak the beans and cook them a while, then chop the veggies dry some of that up and freeze some.
i got them a sweet potato as well, so i want to chop that and dry it
there was a food called 'beak appetite' that just went out of business....they loved that stuff so we are going to make our own

they are actually doing pretty well accepting new stuff now
some stuff i add gets the 'budgie death stare'
but that doesn't last too long anymore
they hopped right on the new ring toy, actually they like it better then the OLD ring toy
i am hoping to get them a few more toys as time goes on
and move the ones they have around
i gave them folded paper the other day, THAT they adore..... they were on that so fast it surprised us. and i didn't make it easy for them to reach it, they had to figure it out....makes for interested challenged budgies and i think keeps them healthier

now today, as soon as i am functioning i am going to take my ducks out
lilli was exceptionally affectionate yesterday and i felt terrible that i had to leave her downstairs while i came and crashed
i can't wait until summer when i can sit out with them while they bath and preen and do duckie things
phoebe got the FIRST WORM of the season friday!!!!!
yeah for phoebe!

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