Wednesday, March 17, 2010

9pm tuesday night-posting wen morning/Happy St Paddy's day you all

bernie isn't home yet, he is almost home but not yet.
he's been working like this now for a while, his fleet is very big

it was warm today ( ok this will be yesterday for you all)
it was warm enough that i grazed the ducks, washed water buckets and sat with my beloved ducks, lilli on my lap
soon it will be illegal to have babies from my babies....
i hope to get 6 ducklings from hoffman's prior to march 31

i got the woodstove to go again, it's warm out but it's going to get cold overnight
it is fighting me however, and i am freezing sorta
i planted spinach and chards (all sorts) and am going to be planting my lettuces as well
i don't have enough chard or spinach
i'll be planting more peppers as well
and then starting the beans etc out in the garden, i am thinking of starting them under cloches, as i sure could use a jump on the season

the budgies took a BATH today ( so did falstaff, but him i forced) i put their freshly filled water tube in their cage and they rushed over and tried to bath in it!
so i put a large divided food cup in with warmish water and the babies dived in!
now i been giving them the bathtub bernie got for them weekly more or less (not in the really really COLD part of the winter)
and they've ignored it
today was the magic day i suppose.
that made me laugh, i so love to see a bird bath

my ducks were having a blast splashing around, momma duck has to be kept away from phoebe, as does lilli, but at least lilli only really bothers phoebe when they are in the little pool
momma is suddenly all over phoebe all the time
i was in no mood for that crap

i started another black and white drawing of the ducks, this one is them on the driveway looking up towards the front of the house....
i hope it will be as interesting as the last black and white one. i had to give up for now on color
but just for now

we had corned beef and butter braised cabbage last night, we were to have had it sunday but we weren't able as you all know
it was wonderful
i love cabbage braised in butter and slightly carmelized..........
it is all gone now..mmmmmmmm
tonight is BLT's with left over bacon because bernie is so late
it is about 9:30 now......bernie left at 5am this's a very long day- i miss him a lot

i am finding myself tending to not go out much, more and more i am staying home, keeping to myself.
i don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing or an age appropriate thing.
i love my friends but when they cancel plans i am ok with it......
i also want to draw more, i didn't get enough drawing done today either. when the weather gets even warmer, and we put the table up on the deck, i will try and work outside- and if we can get stairs back to the deck will make life so much easier for me.
(and a wood box right there would help as would a half bath)

ok well this is tomorrow's post so i am going to schedule it
flicka, donald, catherine,........ all the rest of  you folks? are you still around?
or have you all gotten really busy now that good weather is finally here?


  1. HI Vi, My computer goes to the shop today so the info can be put on my new one. This one is so old. I guess they will have it for a few days he said. See you when I get it back. Have a good week. Catherine

  2. Hi Vi

    Finally back, computer's hard drive took a crap and had to get a new one.

    Have to get caught up in the happenings. Just wanted to let you know that I was here before I start reading


    Here I am trying to post this comment and for 5 minutes trying to figure out why it's telling me incorrect password, forgot I changed it today. Gotta love these brain fart moments

  3. Hmm, corned beef and braised cabbage sound really good. DH made cabbage with apples and caraway seeds the other day, we have a half head of cabbage leftover -- maybe I'll bug you for your recipe.


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