Thursday, May 07, 2009

and was summer

at least it about looks it out back
which reminds me
we don't have a lawnmower anymore

(don't ask)

ok i still have to get the blueberries and blackberry in
and the beans
i doubt that the cuc's will do anything with the soil temps under 60
so i will wait on them

we better start eatting this lettuce out on the deck soon as it is HUGE now
and i have to put in the summer varieties

one of the ducks laid a marble sized eggie

must be all them foraging for worms and grass and greens and juicey bugs
they forgot how to lay real duck eggs

i SWEAR that watching them forage is just like watching duckbilled dinosaurs
i can so totally see a dino body under those feathers
(it's easier with the muscovy due to the carunkling.... it SO looks reptilian)

i tell bernie that every night while we watch them

look at our little dinosaurs............

now watch...... the duckies will be complaining about T-rex out there next........

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