Wednesday, May 07, 2014

today was an emergency

Mr peabody ended up with an abscess on his jaw....
i knew he wasn't feeling well but i thought it was his sinus stuff....... he gets it spring and fall
after all yesterday he was a holy terror
although a lot of the time he was clingy and wanted mom......
we all know that when the kid is sick (even if the kid is furry) that sick kid wants mom...
he wouldnt' even let me paint
today when i got down he wouldn't say good morning- wouldn't even look at me
so i canceled my medical appointment i had today and called the vet for him
and took my baby boy to the vet
he had emergency surgery to deal with his abscess..... it was such an emergency that even though he ate, they did the surgery
he did throw up several times
and it took him about 9 hours to come out of the worst of the anesthesia- and i cried the whole time
he's got a shot of antibotics, and we are going to watch him
the irony is was not an abscessed tooth
however is was around a tooth....
omg i was so worried about him
bernie was so worried about him
now he's resting in his crate
he would like to eat but isn't allowed yet
he's wobbly and so he is to stay crated for 24 hours
i let him take a very brief fifteen step walk and now he's asleep again

i doubt i'll sleep tonight


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your boy. I know the furries are just as important as the 2 legged ones. Hope he feels better soon. He's got a good momma to take care of him.

  2. thank you so much, he's a lot better this morning, the vet said to let him eat so he's getting tiny portions- he's used the litter box twice and is sitting in the window watching the duck pens now
    what a difference a day makes huh?


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