Tuesday, December 17, 2013

where in we talk about some odds and ends

HERE is today's funny post from the past (once a week on tuesdays normally ok?)
i've been thinking, while we test our 'emergency preparedness system'
besides not having enough milk for drinking, (we do have nonfat dry and some *not many* cans) 
we also don't have 'don't feel deprived' things

like that great sale on lightfast colored pencils we missed due to unexpected bills...
although i have a stash of yarn, and beads
and i have made double sure i have water color paper put by
i've been thinking, i need to stash gift cards to the art supply, yarn, grocery...... 
and not the cc/debit prepaid cards......cause they charge you a fee...and they charge the merchant a fee (that sure doesn't seem right to me......what do you think?)
but mostly STORE gift cards do not charge a fee nor do they expire....and most have either an e-card or free shipping on the gift card itself

i am so adding that to the list, along with dried whole milk, dried eggs, and a few other odds and ends
(and a LARGE cold frame-wired over to thwart the damn squirrels that ate most of my winter crops this year)

a fast pantry note, if you are working on a pantry, please let me know either by email (see the email me thingie up on the right?) or in comments,
cause if you need specific questions answered chances are good i either have the information or can direct you to were you can find the information.

these days, frugal is the new 'in' thing.....so is frugal green....both very good things. 
also buying local and from small companies.... to folks local to us (no matter where in the world you live)
we live very frugally here, for us at times it has been a necessity and at times it's been a choice, even when we didn't need to.... frugal has bad press but we decided that we could and should live a bit lighter on the earth......
and i want to pay that idea forward (so ask any questions on 'how to' )

ok this will post tomorrow morning
so good morning!
for me it's actually monday afternoon, and i am rooting around in the house looking for shells to paint

take good care

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