Wednesday, May 04, 2011

down the valley

*** sounds like 'downa shore' which is a jerseyism from when i was a kidlet***
yesterday bernie had a doctor's appointment, a preliminary for his physical.
i actually like this doctor, as does bernie. we got the sheet for labs and went right after the doctor's
he also scheduled a stress test along with a follow up
bernie wanted to know what a stress test was
i told him that they put leads on his chest and make him run on a treadmill
he didn't believe me

so i told him.........they throw you and me in a room for 45 minutes while i yell at you, if you don't have a stroke or  and pass
all the way home after that he kept pretending to have a heart attack
i imagine he's got ok bp cause they only took it once and the doc didn't ask about anything or say anything about it. even though his entire family has high cholesterol and high blood pressure......he doesn't normally
the doctor did speak to him about his smoking, telling him that if he quits he will live a long healthy life.
they will discuss it later they both agreed
i was really just there to make sure that bernie told the doctor the truth about why he was there.....
which naturally bernie didn't
BERNIE said, 'i'm here cause my wife worries'
then the doc said to me
'ok, what isn't he telling me'
i pulled out the list
most stuff is just minor, a slight fungus on his hand
some minor shoulder pains
but his sweat does smell like fruit and i am worried about his coughing
so the doctor added some stuff to the lab work that is a bit more then just the basics
now NEXT visit is the prostrate exam and the true all over physical.
but at least bernie is comfortable with this doctor and i think it will go better.
as an aside this doc trained in france!
maybe that's why he felt so human?

now today i have to catch up on dishes and do soggy pens. i am seriously thinking of putting malcom up here though with amelia and prudence. amelia is broody but pru loves her momma now
so we'll see how pru takes that
it's still raining too
but i have hoses out there already so no bucket schlepping just ducks and pans.....actually just ducks and one large feed bucket to fill the pans i forgot out.
i have a date with dishes
and more dishes
i need more coffee for this

ttyl stay safe and dry folks


  1. I always go to the doctor with my husband, because my husband doesn't tell me what the doctor REALLY said. Like when the dentist told him, "If this ointment doesn't heal your sore, you need to go get it checked out." What DH told me, was, "If this ointment doesn't heal the sore, there is nothing else we can do." I couldn't get him to go get the sore checked out, no matter how much I nagged, and he lost most of his upper lip to skin cancer 10 years later. So now I ALWAYS go with him, so I know what is going on.

    I hope all Bernies issues end up being simple. Did the doctor not tell you what his BP was? Ours always tell us the numbers when they take it.

  2. DH & I go to the doctor together, too. Two heads better than one, I suppose!


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