Friday, October 29, 2010

do you realize

thanksgiving is almost here?
do you?

DO YOU?????????
oh man

ok so stuffed mushrooms or baked brie?
baked potatoes or mashed?
whole turkey or breast?


now yesterday i did night crates...... thank goodness!
and i have clean duckies
naughty ones but clean ones
next is chicken day pens
and then duckie day pens
i have however misplaced my pitch fork........

today is breezy and coolish, i suppose i should do laundry
i should also do more dishes, and clean something else
have i mentioned how much i truly hate to clean
i wouldn't mind if there was someplace to put everything but there isn't

now i also would like to figure out something for bernie for christmas, most likely a dvd player
his is a crappy one that never worked right to begin with
it freezes up mid dvd

that's about it right now as i have to run
how about someone commenting?
so i know you folks are still out there?


  1. whole turkey, that way make turkey broth with the bones

    mashed potatoes

    jellied cranburry sauce



    and supprise me for desert

    let me know of the time and i will be there for

    Take care


  2. I vote whole turkey, because I really like the dark meat the best anyway. And then you would have lots of leftovers. I love turkey leftovers. You could even can a bit if you wanted.

    For Bernie, how about a bluray player? More up-to-date than a dvd player, and it plays blurays and regular dvd's both.


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