Sunday, June 13, 2010

it's terrible humid out.....and hot and raining and generally rain forest-ish

and we got the adaptor so i think the dishwasher will be ok
we also did some stocking up... dish soap etc..
i feel better when we have the pantry stocked for a just makes me more secure
i got sweet peppers, so i am going to roast and can them
i got peaches.....i want peach grilling sauce, so i will can that too
meanwhile i am trying to cool off
i got the AC blasting trying to dry the place out
bernie is going to grill chicken..... smart of him as i am pissy now from hearing him bitch and the heat
i am also a lovely shade of aubergine from the heat

however i think i can go on in the kitchen the sooner i get going the happier i will be
in a while i am also going to check on what could be drowned chickens...(the back of their pen should be dry) and some more beans i hope popped up.
i know that the cuc's are about tall enough to train to the trellis, as are the beans

anyway, it would appear i have a faucet AND the dishwasher again........ maybe after i feed bernie he won't be the beast from hell either?
oye again

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