Monday, June 14, 2010

5 am --- we meet again

bernie had a very restless leg night
he kicked me
he kicked the cats
he kicked himself

i didn't sleep
he did sorta

so i am up
i was actually up before 5am but there you go

now over the weekend between being sick and the faucet explosion, we also managed two nice stock up shopping trips
so today is mushroom drying
and sweet pepper roasting and canning.........
i am so excited about canning season starting
i do have to do more of an inventory and i have to clean out the canning pantries in the cellar
that will be in between the getting ready for colleen stuff

we also put dulcette in with the other chickens overnight
i am hoping that they will not fight this morning.......... i hope
cause it would sure help me out if they would behave

i need a good sale on coffee....... the small cans for like 1.79 would be good...... 1.35 would be better but i will stock at 1.79
the BIG cans at 4-5 would be good too.......i would also stock on them....... 12 of them would last me the year until a harvest is good for coffee

i am also going to be cleaning the freezer soon, all frost damaged stuff is going to become animal food.
and i am going to order new vacuum sealer bags.
frozen veggies that are freezer burnt will be chicken and duck treats during hot weather
all the meat will be canned as cat food
meanwhile the weather here is very hot
very humid
lots of rain
i hope the garden is happy
i broke down and picked up organic plant fertilizer for veggies due to all the rain
i am thinking that the soil will be leaching bad so i need to add
i also need some bone meal and cat hair to persuade some small rodents that they are not welcome.
more of my brussel sprouts ..........sprouted
now i want to move them on to bigger pots before putting them out in the garden
meanwhile i am still recovering not only from my fall in april but from what appears to be a bad bout of IBS
which means i am not eating right (yup that is very true)
again with the oye

ok now with the list for today
ducks and chickens (naturally)
fertilize the garden
wash (AGAIN as bernie heaped dirty stuff on top of the clean ones) the dehydrator trays
dry the mushrooms
roast and peel the peppers (and i dry and powder the peels.....add the powder to soups and stews and salad dressings and breads, and pilaf and meat loaf......and and and........ well you get the picture)
can the peppers
i still need to make the inventory needed and inventory have chart
i think i need like 3 cases of pints for the sweet pepper sauce........we do eat a lot of it
so i can make it in batches i suppose
but i would sooooooo like to get a bushel of sweet red peppers and half a bushel each of orange and yellow

i told bernie we need to still do the cold frame...slowly but it needs to be finished by september
even if i have to buy one board a week to do it
that will give us winter salads and spinach
hopefully we will also have brussel sprouts......(this will be the 4th time i try and grow them damn things i hope this year to be sucessful)
between the canned tomatoes
frozen beans
fresh in the garden overwintered
and the cold cellar for potatoes we should be ok no?
i hope
i will try and dry carrots, and eggplants and zucs like i usually do
i am going to see about drying 100 # of potatos this winter, 50 of yukons and 50 of russets
some of my dried russets seem to have gone bad, i think because it was pretty humid when i dried them ( early summer- to save the bag) but they will go on the compost so it won't be a total loss...
i have a few jars of flat sour beans to go there too...... or to the chickens if they want them
i am not sure if those beans are actually flat sour or if they are just bad cause the neighbor had given them to me (they laid around in a bag on her kitchen floor for a week...and they smoke like crazy there)
i canned the ones not molded

i think that is pretty much it today, except some time today i need to get change of a 20.......
oh man that means i have to go out

have i mentioned i hate to go to town

1 comment:

  1. You've had quite a week already! I am wondering if you are a coupon hound like I am? I follow a couple different blogs that post good deals and coupons as well as check out coupon sites and hoard them. Then I watch sales at local stores and match them up for even better deals. A couple months ago I even got over $100 off my grocery bill! THe manager had to come over to approve it!
    Anyway those sites help me save some $. I can share them with you if you need em.


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