Friday, February 13, 2009

bernie has off

to celebrate our anniversary and valentines day
he decided to take (tomorrow actually cause i am writing this thursday night) today off

mean while

i felted the red boots
the pattern is from fiber trends, the alpine boot pattern.
i modified the cuff a bit.......apparently a bit too much!
however it did give me an idea of how they work

i am knitting the mohair ballet slippers from the book 'felted knits' by the same person who owns and writes the fiber trend patterns

(btw, i had emailed her back and forth a few times a couple years ago..she is very nice)

i HIGHLY recommend fiber trend patterns
they are wonderful

i am sort of doing a test of felted boot patterns now
i intend on also trying the 'snuglets' pattern as well

i am figuring that eventually i will figure a pattern and modifications to fit my rather unique little feet and stubby legs
i also am going to play with soling when i get through with both
i have custom made winter boots
made for me by me

i am not sure what we are going to do on bernie's day off
i guess i will find out
i am glad he took friday off however, as he's been very tired from the weather and work lately
i want him to sleep in
i do know i have to get to the feed store
and the post office
but that is the extent i think of what i have to do

so anyway
i'll let you all know


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