Thursday, February 20, 2014

it's so deep out there even a shovel won't help!

with snow..
it's warmer out today so i took two ducks out to bath them
one pen is collapsed with over 30'' of snow on it covered in ice
the other big pen is ok but not easy to get to
the a frame is covered but still standing
and the big pen out back.....well i think some of the drifts have got to be 5' tall thanks to the slope, wind and snow that's out

however 2 ducks happily had a bath (together)

all buckets are scrubbed and filled
ditto grain pans
everyone is shifted around
falstaff accidentally got lucky with prudence- (she came out of hiding and i didn't realize it as i was outside attempting to dig out the collapsed pen)
the quail people got their new waterer put up on a brick as they managed to fill it with feed and poop
they have real talent those quail people
they are going to be getting a rabbit cage to live in soon

it's warm out
and stuff is dripping and melting
and we are to get a heavy rain storm... which means that the snow will absorb water.....making it even heavier
i am hoping that it loosens and starts to slide off the roofs out there before

and now when i recover i am going to again attempt to copyright register my paintings
i really do need an assistant or something

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