Thursday, June 09, 2005

don't hate me

ok some tests are back.....
my cholesterole is 153
it's been 153 since they started to test me for it......
( doing the happy icecream dance........)
finally ONE thing I can actually THANK my parents for.....
I have to take the cushings 24 hour urine test now however.....
I have to do that over the weekend...........AND I got my period...
double ewwwwwwwwwwww
mengele lengthened my neck for me.......
thank you bella mengele.....
I have now recovered the 1/2 inch of height I lost plus possible 6 more inches......
can you say GIRAFFE???
yes I knew you could
she had my head under her arm.....................and was pulling at the top and bottom of my neck
I am lucky I escaped with my head still attached..........
SHE is going to do it again tomorrow
there isn't enough ICE in the universe
lemme tell you


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    mengele is just prepping you for the guillotine. (swoosh, whack!) i should get my cholesterol checked, but the doctor never asks, and i'm not going to worry about it. ice cream? what about cheesecake? turtle cheesecake with extra fudge and pecans, or maybe strawberry swirl cheesecake with strawberry sauce and tons of whipped cream? (snigger, hungry now?)

  2. Vi, you need a longer neck to show off your very pretty ears. You are sure going through a lot so it's very nice that you can still have ice cream. I hope that it's cooled off where you are, but I doubt it has.


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