Thursday, January 02, 2014

sooooo on the first day of the new year???

well, i exploded a stockpot of ham broth (takes REAL talent to do that......believe me)
while i was not paying attention (cleaning the woodstove)
followed by finding out that the CC had doubled charged me for the truck rental that Ryder screwed up in the first place
followed by luigi the button buck returning to the fold....and wanting bernie to 'open the gate dad' for him to get to our yard

bernie didn't (there isn't a gate) and we're thinking we may have to call the game warden to get luigi to move on
it's dangerous for him and for us to be so tame
which also makes me think that someone has tamed him...\

meanwhile i am having issues with my eyes still so a trip to the doctor is in my near future
other then that we're waiting for this big storm
stay warm
stay safe
(bernie has to work but i think he'll pass the storm in the shop, and by the time he's ready to'll be plowed)

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