Sunday, September 22, 2013

flattened by a steam roller?

tell me that it's so?
cause there is NO other excuse to feel like this today

ok so i didn't sleep (thank you sudafed)
and i hurt from top to bottom (thank you fibro)
no wonder yesterday bernie just put the ducks out without waking me up
i never heard him come in, or go in and out with the ducks...i never heard the water run
i guess i was the dead yesterday and today...i am the walking dead

yesterday we got to town, we got the sale on shredded cheeses.. less then 2.00 a pound so we got like 15 pounds. it's all tucked up in the freezers now. between that and how late bernie slept, i didn't roast our little turkey so that is today

now it rained overnight, which we knew cause we put laundry on the line to dry....
as our putting laundry on the line seems to be the equivalent of cloud seeding or something
we hang laundry and boom! rain........... never seems to fail lately!

i told him that maybe he needed to rethink the cleaning of the chimney which means going up on the roof
but he thinks it's going to be ok
he just told me that we need to use the stove shortly so it needs to be cleaned
i think we also need to get the front chimney and the furnace done too
as back up
plus i am thinking of the eco blocks for the woodstove for deep winter

now watch, bernie is going to be home this winter, so it's going to be super mild, and barely break 30 degrees
with no snow

so anyway, today is sort of muted, through a haze of yawns and painful muscles......
i hope for a real nights sleep tonight (i'll take allergy meds and sleep until tuesday)
not much after making a turkey dinner is going to get done by me
maybe some painting if my hands are shakey

and thanks to vicki ...... the comments are working again
(they still are moderated though)

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