Saturday, March 03, 2007

can you all stand more BABY pictures??

sheepies and goaties oh my!!!!

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there is little arabella.........and violet!
boy my little violet is sooooooooooo much like us........ that is her at the hay's dinner time at the farm.

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as you can see......our girl is happy and healthy....... she is bouncing around and you can't get a good clear picture of her
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here are todays brand new saanen kids........that's jellybean thier momma
you all have seen her many times before
she had a girl and a boy
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these little guys are so cute that I had to put two pictures in
they really say spring don't they? and they LOOK like bunnies! they also have blue eyes!


  1. I love stopping by your blog, Vi, you always share such adorable pictures!

    Just want to pick them all up and cuddle them!

  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Oh dear....cute overload. :-)

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sooooo cute, vi! I love Arabella's color.
    Love the twins, do they make cute little noises too?


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