Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Books and more books

I have been posting at a couple of forums, one is KR and one is a book forum.
the subject of summer reading has come up.
along with book lists.
I read a book called 'little, big' by john crowley about 26 years ago.....
it was a dreamy otherworldly book that has stuck with me.....
perfect for sunny or overcast days in the woods........ deep with mystery and a sense that we are not alone.
unfortunately my copy was rendered unreadable.
I have been looking for yet another copy. ( one which I can actually afford right now)
I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to be transported out of this time and space......
who wants to dwell for a while in the fantasical and supernatural side of their being.

today being again a 'first day of period' begs to be marked by a good book and a long read.
I am currently reading about the sun king's mistress and also 'the new forest' so off I take me to the sofa
til next time


  1. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I found it at library. It's requested, and I'll pick it up tomorrow.

  2. I LOVE "Little, Big"! I go back and read it every now and then when the world is too much with me. Hmm . . . maybe I'm due for another reading.


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