Saturday, April 09, 2005

yesterday, today & tomorrow

ok I wasn't around much yesterday as it was Bernie's 50 birthday.
He decided instead of a big bash of a party, he would prefer spending a quiet day just us chickens, we went to Allentown.
We went to the hobby shop, the book store, Red Lobster, another hobby shop and stopped at the Goat farm to see the babies on the way home.
he said he can't tell what 50 feels like as he feels the same as before......
I can tell you, him at 50 feels pretty damn good to me.

I have been married to Bernie for over 28 years, through thick and thin....... we've had our problems here and there as all folks do.
I have to say, I am truly blessed to have him. I don't know why extra specialness I earned to have married this man.
Even with me at this age, along with the aftermaths of illness, he thinks I am beautiful.
He is not interested in a trophy wife like so many other men his age. He doesn't care that I sag measurably here and there.
He is the most wonderful person around the cats, and other animals. Kids adore him.
He is still got that sense of wonderment that young boys have. Yet he is strong, protective and deffinately all 100% male.
He is also completely human.
I think I like that in a husband....( well damn yeah, or there would be tenticles all over the
oh and he has a tremendous sense of humor!
I never knew I was funny until he told me so.
I at times still don't believe him but they you folks all laugh too so I guess he knows what he is talking about...

Oh ok the CATS

Fawn came up on the bed last night and slept on my hand.
Not as long as I would have liked.
Only about 20 minutes.
However that again is huge progress.
She then kept us up all night calling us to play with her.
So I have to figure something out for her......
maybe put bird seed out on the lawn and put something by the window so she could watch the birds for a while?
She still isn't ready to meet the grandkids yet.
I am going to try for pictures today, she seems relaxed a bit more.

Ok the Lamb
Kris had the first of her two ewes lamb, on tuesday. Both Rams.
One is very typy BFL, so I know I am not getting him.
the other is cute but a ram........
I wanted a ewe.
Her other ewe, Summer, still hasn't lambed. Hopefully she will triplet and all ewes?
or I am really going to HAVE to buy a tunis or something at MDSW.
meanwhile I have some pictures of the sheep before and after shearing to show you all, which I will do later.
So if you are here in the morning please check back in the afternoon or so, I should have them up by then

til next time

ps: the tomorrow part, ah..................... I will let you know!

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