oh MY.........
just when I thought it was SAFE and pt was over.......
Mengele informs me that they DID get me approved for 4 more weeks
and guess what else???
she got some new torture devised for me
apparently I have no upper body strength.....
( ah, Mengele, did you NOT say to me......'nothing more then 5 pounds'????? see how good I listened!!!!!)
she has decided I need weight training for strength...........
oh my........
I can't tell you the screaming mass of heat that my muscles are right now.......
and I was informed by everyone that they will 'be really sore in a day or so'
oh man.............
and I need to do this weight stuff at home.
I have some weights here...
but they are too large, they are 10 pounders.
so I need weights and I can't afford to spend a kidney on them
I have thunk
and thunk
and decided to make my own weights that will be able to be adjustable is weight.
and will velcro around my wrists and forearms.
I will use wheel weights from bernie's shop as the actually heavy stuff.
and some thing stretchy for the carrier........... with velcro for the fasteners......... maybe a fleece backing?
I plan on doing the little weighty thingies in tiny pillow of about 4 oz to 8 oz each...... and put them in little pockets in the carrier thingy that straps on.
it shouldn't take me alot of time to make and weight up the pillows
the most expensive part of this project would be the weights, but used wheel weights don't cost anything from a shop.
they are thrilled to get rid of them!
I figure a couple squirts of "DAWN" detergent should take the grease out.
If I am able to do this (and make it work, which I can't see why not) I will post either directions or pictures or something.......
Even if I have to buy the stretchy fabric and velcro I am assuming that it won't cost more then 12.00 for the entire thing!
and I am also assuming that I can do some pretty wild fabric no????
maybe even MAGENTA??????
I am thrilled with this whole make the weight thingy
if not really thrilled at the thought of actually struggling to USE THEM
let me tell you, it wasn't easy today, who know that 4 pounds and 5 pounds weights so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who knew muscles could get that hot and painful so fast????
til next time.
added to KC, Thank you so much sweetie, but Mengele doesn't want too much strain on my hands, and some of the excersizes involve movements that if I had a milk jug in my hands would deffinately do the carpal tunnel in.
we did discuss that option but she doesn't want my wrists stressed at all.
I am deffinately falling apart here.......
hopefully mengele and this tape will hold me together a bit longer?
Try using Milk Jugs! A gallon of water weighs about 7-1/2 pounds, but you can fill them as much (or as little) as you need, and they have an easy handle for lifting. You can also tie a fabric strap through the handle of it's too hard to use. :-)
ReplyDeleteOK, I know this may sound a little strange and is possibly not what you are after, but.... I used to do a lot of ballet, and was obsessed with reading about dancers. One of my favourite books was 'Split Seconds' the autobiography of Tamara Geva, a Russian dancer who married George Balanchine and danced with Diaghilev among others. Anyway, when she was training in Moscow she couldn't get her grands battements (high kicks) high enough, so she sewed tiny little led weights onto ribbons which she tied around her ankles. Her high kicks went down a lot, but when she'd worn them for some months and then tried taking them off - whee! Ankles sailing up around ears was finally achieved. All of this is to say, maybe you could try the same thing and tie them round your wrists, and wear them for a few hours every day just when you're doing normal stuff. Might feel a bit weird at first, but hopefully wouldn't be too cumbersome. Just a thought.