Monday, July 25, 2005

Insert clever title here

lets see............. since the stooges are in full force in my neck of the woods....
I figured I would update you all on some of that stuff...

first stupid do you have to be to remove a boundary marker that you are ALREADY ( and currently) getting sued for removing once?????????????
is there a brain cell in there?
( he reproduced or I would say.....he really needs a darwin award)

now I had a lot to do today, going for mail, getting the pick-up inspected.... trying to finish up the CUTEST little pumpkin headed people.... cleaning the living room,
calling to see if medical records were transferred..... listing stuff on ebay......
you know.... LIFE.

what am I doing?
calling the police,
calling the insurance company
calling the surveyor.......
dealing with a thousand little details......oh and btw, the insurance company is referring this to their THEFT unit........

maybe that will help us
everyone that I spoke to that has had boundary issues with neighbors have told me......they moved..
that pretty much sucks but we are planning on moving.........

meanwhile I am dressed in 'town' clothes
which is not conducive to cleaning or even drinking Iced tea in.....

while I am beginning to LIKE primitive......... I don't want a primitive stain of tea across my somewhat ample bosom.......

( I don't see that on the covers of them supermarket romance novels...... tea stained ample bosoms.... actually mostly them bosoms are heaving.... well mine are in shock I think.......)

so I am waiting to find out if the cops are coming out and when the theft unit is coming out

and when the HELL can I get into studio clothes and get to real work here. I also need to excavate to find where the hell the living room has gotten to.

I know I left it somewheres in the house but I am not entirely sure where it is...... where ever it has a fireplace in it....but so far I haven't found it yet.....

( I am not admitting to being a bit of a mess right now however, any semblance of that is surely in your own mind and has nothing to do with the two tables heaped with boxes and paper work that is right outside the kitchen)

now I mentioned the little pumpkin headed guys....... they are the CUTEST I am not sure what to do about them...... you finish them off.

I need something around their little necks.....maybe pumpkin leaves.....and a vest?

or bow?

they really are cute but I need them to be even cuter............... and finished looking........I am waiting for the pumpkin which I glued on to dry now.....

I think I am also delirious with the red and curiously flattened toe I am walking around on.

ok til next time

I am going to now go and pull out what is left of my hair.......


Dear Lori,

the little pumpkin guy is a tiny cloth doll sewn up and painted with a little fimo pumpkin head.

I will try and take his picture for you tomorrow



  1. Vi, your pumpkin people sound cute! Are they sewn or knitted?
    That really stinks about your neighbors...don't pull ALL your hair out over them!

  2. i hope you're feeling better today, dear. or antelope. does moose apply ? (ducks). you go get 'em, hon. sounds like the moron neighbor needs an injunction against him and his spawn. sigh.

    speaking of pumkins, i made a pumkin hat at work today. i'll try to post the pic later. it's darling.

  3. i hope you're feeling better today, dear. or antelope. does moose apply ? (ducks). you go get 'em, hon. sounds like the moron neighbor needs an injunction against him and his spawn. sigh.

    speaking of pumkins, i made a pumkin hat at work today. i'll try to post the pic later. it's darling.


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