Sunday, July 24, 2005

ARE you sure it is Sunday?

Bernie didn't wake up channeling bacon this morning!

I am assuming his internal clock is off huh?
I mean most Sundays I have to hear him tell me over and over.......' I smell bacon'

( I guess it is better then him telling me he smells dead people or something like that huh?)

Maybe it was because we had talked about maybe getting bagels for today's main event.....

Sunday breakfast for us, as for most folks it s big deal........ HE ALWAYS cooks Sunday breakfast.......even when his sisters were here visiting he cooked Sunday breakfast.

So right now as I sip my coffee (which is not very good today for some odd reason) he is cooking his bacon.

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finished lace scarf for my lace class in Siskin red.

The laperms meanwhile have taken this special time to of course get into trouble.....
I just shooed calpurrnia out of a doll house.
the little blue eyed one who can do no wrong was stuffing her fluffy little body into a story and a half doll house after the accessories.......
remind me again how much I LOVE THESE GUYS??
quick before I have to crate them.............

Thaddeaus is to get a bath today.................
calpurrnia is not due one but if she pisses me off enough........ BOOM she is going to be in the tub.

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closeup of that scarf pattern

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long shot

***STATS, this is based on a pattern from The Knitting Fairy, however I modified it a wee bit....

Ok I am going to start a tiny personal journal............... not this blog it is a public journal
I am going to start a personal one........( for my eyes only........hahahahaha)

the reason???
I am thinking I am at another transition point in my life.......... ( they happen to everyone periodically) and I would like to work out the next segment for myself.

I have done this at other transitions in life, I kept a journal while dad was ill for a while, until I got too busy to do it...... ( and too exhausted.......Alzheimer's is no joke)

So I picked up a tiny little note pad, just until I get the signatures that are lying around the studio sewn into a book .......... I have been wanting to do a bit of bookbinding anyway.....

(what you don't have signatures laying around in YOUR studio???????????????
and you call yourself an ARTIST????.......... oh.............wait you don't call yourself an artist?....... ok sorry.....never mind)

I really could get into bookbinding on a larger scale if I had a bit more space in the studio and bookbinders press....... Or even a hot type letter press......

like I NEED another thing to do around here...

but anyway back to the transitions..........

I have to decide what to do with my business, close it, ? grow it? change it? sell it?
then what to do with my professional life........
after that I am down to one chin, a loose hump and lost part of my stomach rolls.........
I need to do SOMETHING no???
til next time
as my breakfast is ready


  1. The scarf is beautiful! Will you take us with you when you go to the next stage of your life? Hope so. Happy Sunday (my favorite day of the week)!

  2. is this your soap business you're talking about? more details, woman! i understand about crossroads, i've come to a few in my life. and i understand the journaling instinct. i just can't do it on paper, life gets in the way, sigh. (like sean is drowning the kitchen as we speak, catch ya later, ack!)

  3. (pats vi on the back) tomorrow will be better, i promise. just make sure you sit down with a big bowl of raspberry cheesecake ice cream, and take a nap, and it will be alright (bernie, go fetch some raspberry cheesecake ice cream!)

  4. Wow I love your lace scarf, the color is crimson red ~ very pretty! What size needles did you use and what kind of yarn was that?

  5. I used I believe either 6 or 8 and the yarn is dalegarn sisik, in the
    red color. it is a very nice tweed.......
    ok the needles were 8's
    I did modify the pattern a bit.....not too much, I knit in the lace
    part into the BACK of the knit stitches....... knit the garter stitch
    into the front of the knit stitches.....and slipped the beginning
    stitch as if to purl INTO the back....
    I tried to make it as airy as possible.....
    the pattern calls for a worsted.........the sisik is not quite a
    worsted but more then a dk


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