Thursday, May 19, 2005

I misplaced a WHAT???????????

apparently I have misplaced a bone
or displace a bone
either way it wasn't where it was supposed to be
and apparently it almost is back to it's assigned spot now
did you know that replacing this bone to it's assigned spot hurts..... yes really it does
and it really is as BAD AS IT SOUNDS
Mengele who is a genius however, is got me able to move my hands behind my back which I could not do before
she thinks that I will be fine in a couple weeks if I continue to do nothing but my pt
and my ice
( I am icing now Mengele dear)

Actually she wants you to know she really is a nice person and her name is NOT Mengele....
which is true her name is JUNE not Mengele....
however I needed to convey the fullness of the experience to you all since none of you can be there and do it for me.
( and you all call yourselves my FRIENDS? and no one is doing this pt torture thing for me??? and there isn't even any cheesecake or ICECREAM?)
She is also a very good pt, makes you sweat and cringe in pain so that you will remember and NOT do the bad things again that got you into this mess in the first place

oh and I am again taped

I am pretty surprised that a bone moved around...... gee I have loose and wandering bones?
couldn't the fat on my ass or stomach do that?
wander over to someone I don't really like all that much?
I ask you.....
is it fair?

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