Sunday, April 25, 2010

raining, sunday, morning, shoulder pain

it IS raining, which also means that the laundry is not drying out there....but it's getting rinsed again
a lot of bernie's socks are out there, good thing i got him new socks 22 he'll have socks either way

meanwhile i woke to shoulder pain
it's settled to a sort of 'level' of pain, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better overall, i have some times of less pain when i've put heat on it (like yesterday's hot shower)
but even the aspirin isn't really calming it down much
it's not that sharp acute pain, but it still stops me from moving
and then i get stabbing pains when i move certain ways
(i move my arm with my other arm though, i don't want the shoulder to freeze)

so this morning already, i have eaten ( bernie's sunday eggies) thrown DA BOY in cat jail ( the little shit jumped off my shoulder onto the budgie aviary- take your pick on which is gotten him in more trouble)
looked at an amazing egg tempera video, which i still want to try btw.
and found out that i broke yet another toenail in that fall
can you believe this???

i mailed a small token of thanks to a friend of mine (ok so bernie took it to the po)
which i hope arrives intact.
and i am about to see if i can go back to that blk/wht drawing this week

oh and bernie took my darlink ducks out

we finished (ok ok, so HE FINISHED) another raised bed in the garden.
i would have taken a picture for you all today if it wasn't raining, and if i hadn't woken up in pain again
i convinced him to make the next bed 4' wide......
he'd make them all 5 inches wide if i didn't watch him....... so i said to him,

'you know, i CAN reach these beds from both sides..............soooo making them 4 FEET wide is a good thing as we will save a bit on hardware and YOUR arms'

this of course was said while he stood there sore from making the beds and filling them.... can you say GOOD TIMING VI........? i knew you could

so then next we will make 4'X8' beds....which will save us some money as instead of two small beds for like 75.00 we'll get two LARGE beds for like 80.00.....not bad really
we are making the beds slowly climb the side of the garden, so after the two large beds comes the cold frames for against the fence at the north end...... then we'll start the center row of beds,.... those will be 18-24 inches deep for root veggies i believe
i would like at least 6 so i can rotate
or a movable topper so i can rotate..... that is a pretty good idea i think.... no?

let's see, i think i hear bernie cleaning duck pens but i'm not sure
i got one fertile egg from momma yesterday, which i hope he didn't hurt
(he's incredibly stubborn about things....... amazingly so sometimes)
and he's pissed about the duck eggs in the night crates, as i got hurt the day i normally clean crates and i didn't do it (ducks mess up pens and crates at a furious rate)
anyway momma started to lay again so i am collecting the eggs for nick to hatch
i may take a drake out of there if i can't find any others
bernie is going to be upset but lilli needs a husband, and i think phoebe isn't going to get a husband but she is going to get fertile eggs to sit on maybe, so she will have company eventually- but the eggs will be lilli's or momma's

ok i am going to post this now as i know i'm late
we'll resume our regular schedule tomorrow i think


  1. I'm sorry you're having shoulder pain. As a physical therapist who frequently treats chronic shoulder pain, I find the primary issue is poor positioning of the shoulder blades at rest which sets up poor movement of them when the arms are working away from the body. I’ve found this also feeds down to the elbows contributing to tennis and golfers elbow. I’ve just written a self-help book about this if you’re interested. Of course, visiting your doctor to rule out more serious issues is always a good idea.Good luck!
    Rick Olderman MSPT

  2. Shoulder pain is the worst! I can't lift my 5 year old niece or my 3 month old niece because I'm scared I will drop them. My surgery to fix it did not and by the way, the attachment that goes in your tender neck skin for that !@#@$#$# pain killer bag does not just "pull right" out. You have to use rubbing alcohol to dissolve the skin glue.

    Sorry, channeling the fun times from 2 years ago when the surgeon left me a tendon tear that would heal all by itself. Ha! 2 years later still not healed! I pay his bill $5 at a time.

    So, in complete sympathy for your shoulder pain. I had no idea how much pain it would cause.

    On the plus side, I started a new group on ravelry, Magic Wand Spinning. Join if you get a moment!

    Take care. I have duck envy!


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