Saturday, April 03, 2010

it's the EASTER BUDGIE charlie brown.............

yup yup.......for easter/birthday/missed me/ just because/ celebrate spring/raise etc......
bernie got me two new budgies that will join our flock in about 4-6 weeks- they are currently in quarentine....
a yellow lutino (she's a girl and bite bernie good when the little booger escaped and flew all over the studio....) and a lavender/gray with white wings and a the palest of yellow blushed face......
i didn't look close enough at that one to tell if that one is a girl or boy
i think it's a girl though as the cere was opague and there is a whitish line around the nostrils
i got EASTER BUDGIES!!!!! sorta like easter eggs but without the shell.
and we got a ham and a turkey (turkey in the freezer, ham tomorrow)
also i got a couple of bargin books on american women in history and paranormal events that changed american history.......(today's book store excursion was to the history section......and i am lusting after that 'secret life of the mongel queens' but until that book is under 14.00 at amazon i am going to continue to lust......i'll get it when it's used and cheap)

i got a birthday present today from someone else, COFFEE...... (you know who you are and you do love me!) oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh coffee........

tonight we went to see alice in wonderland and i didn't like it!
i am so upset about that......normally tim burton ........faaaagettaboudit....... i love his stuff
he takes me there and keeps me there and does it with such a unique and finished seamless style....this one no
i hated the dancing johnny depp
i hated some of the music (danny elfman no less......danny how COULD you? sniff... who didn't love his addams family theme with mc hammer?)
the scenery was good
the story........ well let's just say i have actually READ lewis carroll........ and this wasn't it.......we'll leave it at that....
the dutchess wasn't there..... the mock turtle.....and what was up with that BATTLE? damn
i am thinking someone slipped acid into the mr burtons coffee and not in a good way.......

8 years giver take that i go to a movie and it wasn't good for me......bernie loved it

ah... that brings me to art.....specifically MY art...another one on the board as you all know...and i am very pleased with it right now
i can't wait to work on it.....that is a wonderful sign- it will be a bit harder edged then the last one....after all that one was unfounded fears......this is couched more in the real world but i am really enjoying it this way

i wonder if it will ever get where the 'world' is real and the ducks unfounded? oh gees, i hope not....
ok this is being typed saturday night and i am very ttyl
have a nice holiday everyone

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