Wednesday, April 07, 2010

duckie doings & chicken chores

here is a fast update on the latest drawing. i guess it's a good thing to show you folks my progress.
when i was an art director, i had built in check points, i would send work up to be proof read, and i would have other graphics people around.
i have to say that seeing the work up on the screen helps me a lot with decisions on which way it needs to be worked- i like seeing how the ducks start popping out from the background
and i also like how the deep forest is sort of working like a bit of a frame at that area of the drawing.....
i now pronounce this drawing really really interesting.
and a whole lot of fun
just remember............... degas had dancers, monet had i got ducks.....seems fitting somehow doesn't it??

ok now tomorrow is bernie's birthday, i plan on baking him a cake....... chocolate know it's love when you bake someone a chocolate cake, and you HATE chocolate..
i need to get back to town today as well and pick up my meds and chicken parts.... (my chickens are getting processed tonight but that won't help me for dinner, as they have to 'age')

if bernie was to get home early enough i would grill but he won't be home until 8:30 or 9 at least
and i need to plant the summer lettuces---yesterday it was 91 degrees on the deck, i didn't sit out but that's why i came in from town and basically flopped. i did check the lettuces and they had all sprouted but they are the winter types so i don't hold much hope for them.
the spinach most likely will bolt as well.
i will most likely thin the spinach and give the thinnings to the birds. i also got them french wholewheat couscous to mix up some cooked foods for them. i have to chop and dry carrots, but can't find my chopper thingie! cause i want it minced.
maybe i'll dry the spinach thinnings too?
i need to put together a bunch of this food for the birds for later, a mix of minced dried veggies and couscous plus some herbs in there like parsley and dill..... i should add some garlic too.
i got used to that 'beak appetite' and so did the birds but they don't make it anymore as the company went out of business, so we'll make due

now with the duckies...... momma jumped all over poor phoebe last night, so momma got put in repeatedly with falstaff. now speaking of falstaff, i don't think he is able to fertilize the ducks anymore.
i watched a bit while i was cleaning ponds and buckets and there wasn't any actual mating going LOOKED like there was but there wasn't.
i think he's way too old now.
that means i really DO have to get a new drake  and also then i won't have two lines like i wanted to.
thank goodness the FWS regs are being rewriten, as i am so going to need to get another drake.
i dreamt that i had lavender self diluted muscovys .......they looked like a very light lavender purple!
actually i wouldn't mind that on my girls
or a nice diluted cream
ok i got a late start as i had a late night
so i am off to start my day

i hope you folks all have a wonderful day
and that the weather is good too
(btw, where is flicka?? you around dear?)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Hello, Vi. Yes, I am around and reading your blog each day! I tried to post you a Happy Birthday message but either I hit the wrong key or the censor was pissy, because it never showed up in the comments. So a belated Happy Birthday to you, and an on-time Happy Birthday to Bernie! I wanted to suggest yesterday that you make your own birthday card for Bernie instead of buying one. What a treasure that would be.



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