Wednesday, May 25, 2011

not yet amoungst the living

this thing is knocking me for a loop
bernie keeps bringing home newer more powerful plagues from the hospitals around.....the people he works with go into all the facilities and they get stuff and pass it on to him
he brings it home to me
and you all get to hear me kevetch
i was up most of the night choking and coughing.. whatever this thing's taken up residence in my head and doesn't want to let go
i am walking around with a constant sinus headache too

so forgive me if i'm not all there

yesterday i decided that i would sweep the studio floor..... (through the brain fog)
i texted bernie......'where is the broom?'
he didn't know

next i texted him 'where is the mop'
in frustration i texted him 'do we even HAVE a vacuum anymore'
i did find the broom however so swept a small section of the studio floor before i had to give that up
in the foggy recesses of my snot covered brain i figured i would pull all the wheelie furniture out.......sweep, and the rearrange things so i can start that drawing of amelia as a duckling
ok that didn't work out well
plan b would be a good thing right now

i don't have a plan b at the moment

in knitting news i am done and binding off forget-me-not
i think i missed one set of repeats......but i ran out of stitches for the short rows so i figured it was a done deal
i am also almost out of yarn between those two facts, i am sure you all would agree with me that binding off is the wisest thing to do.
actually i think it's going to be nice.....but what do i know at the moment
i will tell you that i am actually doing the suggested bindoff instead of my beloved sewn bindoff.....and i am seriously liking it!
it's neat looking, which is something i like..... and it's stretchy, which is also something i like in lace or socks
photo's will follow blocking which will happen as soon as i am physically able
then into the freezer

now onto other things,
like the studio again,
i need a flat file for paper.
i most likely should get a 40'x36'
right now i cut all the paper that comes in and put it in clam shell boxes (which are black and i am thinking of covering with fabric)
i would like at least two drawers to hold full sheets
and i may figure out a fix for this as i think it's the last of the storage related problems to work out

i saw a picture on line of a pair of drafting tables, one large and one smaller, back to back sorta
the large one was tilted, the small one flat and tucked under the tilted one........ how freeken BRILLIANT is that?
how much space can i save with that???????????????????????
absolutely brilliant, so that is what i am going to do..... and THAT will be part of my craft/design/paint center but i will still use my little low wheeled tabley thingie to draw on....... and wheel the taboret around as i need it
i think i can butt this up to a shelf unit and it will work out pretty well. i may use the flat table for beading too
now to get my big antique drafting table on wheels...... that's one hitch in my plan
i want all the studio furniture on wheels, as i think the shakers seriously had it right. wheels make things efficient and easy to clean around

anyway, if i can get some of this done soon, the function of the studio will be much improved i believe.... then just the aesthetics needs work- and i got that sort of worked out and ready to go
oh and somehow i am going to move the computer lines over...... it's too hot here when the woodstove is on.

ok that's my current situation
i feel like crap
apparently i am not dead yet.......
and when i can i need to deal with some furry creature who's digging in all my planters at night
little bastard is most likely going to be run off by a combination of dried blood meal and cat fur
or something

take care
until i am again alive


  1. Poor you! I hope you get better soon. Our dream is to someday have everything on wheels and a big outside area that everything will fit on. Wheel it out, use the giant compressed air tank to blow all the dust off, wheel it back in. Heaven!

  2. I somehow think the flat file for paper is not 40 FEET by 36 FEET but maybe it is?

  3. no that's inches sorry, i do have the plague you if it was feet it would be way bigger then my HOUSE
    nice sized studio though


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