Monday, May 30, 2011

i'm in the mood for lace

and i don't know why
i been knitting a lot of lace in the past few months
 one shawlette after another
and lusting after expensive skein of hand dyed sock yarn after another...... (and occasionally buying them)
my fingers keep slipping on patterns on ravelry, and i keep knitting
and knitting......and knitting
my preference is to knit with beads, lately i want big honking 2/0 E ones
as i like the weight
i like using multicolor beads on a project too
maybe it's the gypsy in me........i just know i was a gypsy in a past life
i love gypsy lore, and gypsy fact, gypsy horses, gypsy colors, vandos, song,'s all so very fascinating....deeply fascinating....
yup i was really a gypsy in a past life- it reflects in my preferences of colors... all of them all at once...... mostly warm, add some gold, and copper and silver........
i know that it isn't really 'just a phase' as i have always loved many bright colors together with lots of flashes of sparkle, in gypsy fashions...... (the hippie era was wonderful for my love of color) now in real life i tend to wear quiet solid colors (not always but a lot of the time) why? well my personality in real life is rather i try to tone it down as much as i can......solid color clothing seems to help
but i guess i can't tone it down in what i knit, or how i draw.....or even in the colors in the house
i have a pair of burgundy chesterfield love seats...........and have had them for over 30 years....... (after all you are who you are)
so lately i think that whole need for 'my' colors is why i am knitting obsessively.....shawl after shawl after shawl......
it sure beats starting to paint the vandos decorations and scroll work on the walls...huh? cause that would have been my next outlet if i didn't knit so much color.

now today it's brutally hot out...huh? in may? i am so sick of going from january to august without anything in between.
i had planned on drawing on the deck
so much for that, as everything would run with the sweat dripping off me
we put the ac on and it's just taken it down to 'almost tolerable'
so until i can get back to actual drawing
i am knitting color
what are you folks doing?


  1. I'm gasping like a lizard and knitting with rayon ribbon. I want something cool to the touch - and it has been in my stash for a decade!!!

  2. Oh! La! I forgot to say I am also drooling over your lace projects. My birthday, btw, is in September ...... :D

  3. Your shawl is exquisite. Love the color and the laciness of it. Wish I could knit. Oh well, I'll just keep to making jam. You should sell some of your knitting on Etsy.

  4. bess, everyone i have ever knit for (except bernie) has somehow left my life...i don't want you to walk out of my life.....

    and jam, i like blackberry please

  5. We woke up to an inch of snow today! Rained much of the day. One of my peppers froze, and my cukes don't look too happy. Tomorrow is supposed to be 78 though. There wasn't enough dry weather to get my tomatoes in the ground, though, so I didn't lose any of them. One of these days I will get them planted. This has been the second wettest month ever in Utah, and one of the coldest Mays on record, too. How do you fight mother nature?

    Your lace is very pretty, I like the colors.


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