Tuesday, May 10, 2011

front door progress

here are before/during photo's
as you can see the door is an english plum (and mildew- see in the upper corner that i can't reach???) say good bye to the plum, the seasonal mildew and the mismatched hardware............
the new colors are cream and sweet violet!
i spent most of today working very hard, scraping and sanding........ then sweeping and more scraping..... tomorrow i think i will be washing down the mildew, followed by rinsing and then more sanding
then caulking.......and FINALLY painting!!!
 oh and the violet color in the little violet picture.......isn't quite the color it is in real life......that picture is much bluer then the original
the trim is going to be a cream color and then the door will be violet..... as to the hardware, i am wondering about brushed nickel, or actually i would love something that looked like brushed silver........or a coppery color.........
but i don't think either of those would work
so we'll just have to see what we can see when we get the storm door up, and the front door painted

i did have a momentary pause to consider a rose gold for the door........
and i also kicked around the idea of applying molding to make panels and ditching those damn vertical grooves....those things are just mildew traps anyway.
i have to cut back the yews and some of the front maple as well......WAY BACK       (think nubbins)

bernie is to put small halogen or something spot lights under the porch roof to shine on the door and also on the stairs.....then a railing
he's also going to have to paint the porch roof as no one seems to think it's a good idea for me to get up there....... after all that we get 'shutters' on either side of the door.......cut in a curve at the top to allow for the supports for the roof....... (and to be somewhere to hang season decorations and flowers on no?)
what do you guys think?
the hardware needs to look old and cottagey cause this place IS old and definitely is a cottage
and i doubt that polished brass would look well with violet.......(although it did look great with the plum)
maybe we'll go a bit lighter with the violet but i think this is pretty much it..............
and we won't be waiting 25 years to repaint the trim and door next time, i am thinking........3 years tops

1 comment:

  1. Great work! Progress on household chores is a liberating experience! We are getting our acreage in shape and we feel so much better!


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